Monday, October 21, 2019

You heard it

May you always seek perfection
May the world circle that image of you
And deny the final product
Drown the fight from your fists
And please, go away

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Forget the abandon
Cast it swiftly to the wind
Let it carry the weight you've collected
And when it knocks, let it in

There's a hero in you boy
a graveyard artist
just shut the fuck up
and dont think too hard

You came here to pay respect
but you dont even know what that is
You couldnt find your way home
without some bullshit leading you

Id say you trust too much, this life,
but your so fucking incompetant
youd wear it as a badge
to show how fucking cool you are

I get it brother
We're in it together
its you or me and you are you
so we'll always be at odds

and for me, thats ok
you be the hero
thats fine
ill be here, writing

Friday, May 10, 2019


It's coming now, sooner than you think
Like the cool wind before the thunder
It has rolled upon you
Now you can't say stop
You can't do that now
That time has passed
You said it'll be this way
And you shunned the ones who wished otherwise
But the cards are down
The hand's revealed
And the house always wins
A valiant effort we will say
Fought until the very end
But really we're just glad it's not us
Because that rock is far too large to carry
And it suited you well
And you handled it well
And your stronger and better and blah blah blah
And you'll have a moment
This moment
But it's fleeting and we just can't dwell on it
So, bad luck, but we will be here in your name
For as long as anyone reminds us
Until then, where's my drink?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


The path forward is yours
It's long, has many detours,
and orbits some vast space of resentment
There is no end to it
It's likely unfulfilling
And, always, you will end up where you began.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


The charlatan moves to bury his sleeve
Bloodsoaked and miserable
In the shallow grave dug earlier in the day
The excessive panting and occasional waning
Of the circling sawmill workers
Swan deeply with his fiddle

This place, fixed, forever still
In his speech will remain a wound
Showing itself occasionally
In certain lighting, and with the appropriate victims
An ugly, unburyable thing

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

It's Almost Time

The countdowns begun
The ignitions lit
At the edge of the diving board
It's almost time

5 seconds till the beep
There goes the last commercial break
10 minutes to clock out
It's almost time

Feet are sturdy enough now
Patch should hold
The space heater was turned off
 It's almost time

He's cruising on the furniture
The bubbles are forming on the top
The realization begging a grin
It's almost time

The wave is cresting
The silence is deafening
The pain is pleasure
It's almost time